
Saturday rolled around and we were ready for the influx of children and parents ready for the party. The first to arrive was the entertainer who would keep all the kids entertained over the next couple of hours. We were fortunate with the weather though with just one shower of rain making everyone dash inside during the food part of the proceedings.

The birthday boy
Entertainer, disco lights and “snow” machine
Monster Truck birthday cake made by mum and grandma.
Food and games

Once the party was over and everyone had left, the next influx of guests/family arrived for the afternoon and evening. Well, there was football on as the European Championships are being played in Germany at the moment. And we know how much everyone loves football.

A very good memorable day was had by all, we can look forward to next years celebrations as we will be back again next year!

One thought on “Party”

  1. HB to Callum!

    I remember that 5 years ago plus a few days you and Roy turned up at the marina we were moored up in for the some of David’s eye drama. Big changes since then!


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