
We are Roy & Bernice. We have four children between us, Simon & Jason are Roy’s, Antony & Alexandra are ours. Now they have all left home and are reasonably settled in their own lives, we decided it was time for us to live a little.

Up until July 2010 we owned and ran a Luxury Lodge, Pen-y-bryn, in Oamaru, South Island New Zealand. Once that was sold, we packed up everything and decided to tour, firstly around the UK & Europe and then NZ. This blog follows our journeys including our current life, living and traveling in a motorhome throughout New Zealand and our offshore jaunts.

8 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hi guys, Following your adventures with great interest. Will you have time in Italy to look for long lost Vannini cussies?

  2. hi there, i am bernadette and michael parish’s sister in law, they are looking for you, i requested your friendship on facebook if you want to give me your email, then i pass to them or email them on BMParish@xtra.co.nz, thanks so much, Claudia, oh, sounds like you are having fun! I love Italia, my father was from there

    1. Sorry Claudia, did not recognise your name so deleted your friend request. Have just sent an email to Mike and Bernadette so they should get ot today. Thanx for your help.

  3. Are you the Roy and Bernice Vannini who have links to the Nash family in the Forest of Dean? If so, I have information which will be of interest to you. Please contact me on tburley86@gmail.com

  4. Hi Bernice and Roy,
    Good to see you are still having lots of fun. Trust we can meet up again in the not too distant future.
    Travel safe and God bless

  5. Hi Bernice and Roy,
    I’m just trying to find out if your son Antony is the same Antony James Vannini whose mail I have been receiving. So far I’ve had his vehicle registration and electoral roll papers. My address is 3 Clark Road, Pahurehure, Papakura. I’ve been here for 23 years, so I’m pretty sure he has never lived here. Can you get him to correct his address, or let me know his actual address so I can forward his mail?

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