Labour Weekend

Its Labour weekend, traditionally the time that we plant up our gardens (done!), and swap the duvet form the winter weight to summer weight….done, today, so we must be due for another cold snap. 

We also decided to move from our parking spot in Richmond, and move into Tahunanui nearer Nelson for no other reason because we can.

parkedAll parked up and settled.

And what else does one do at Labour Weekend?  Well, you catch up with friends, namely Kevin & Faye and Kevin’s Mum June Wilkinson, and volunteer yourselves to help out at a Bowling Tournament – specifically a women only tournament where the men run around after the women,  pouring drinks, feeding them, cleaning up after them, oh and they play a weekend of bowls where the triples teams are drawn.  All in all a great weekend where fun is the main theme.  It started on the Friday evening where everyone registers, then teams are drawn, sponsors are also drawn for each team.  Drinks are drunk, food is plentiful, delicious and varied, raffles are sold, songs are sung and a bit of dancing is done.  Roy and I helped out where we could, doing dishes, sorting out food,  selling raffles and doing more dishes!

Saturday and the bowling begins, they say it is all for fun but there is serious bowling being done here with competitors form all over NZ including current and past World Champions.

 bowls 3 bowls 2 

Bowling underway

 bowls 9bowls 4

June Wilkinson (in blue)

bowls 5 bowls 8

More bowls

bowls 11bowls 6

Umpire, Kevin (blue top) and in right photo Bernice

The early morning wanderer took a walk across the inlet in front of the camp through to the Tahunanui beach. 


The dry inlet at low tide allowed a quick walk straight across to the beach.

At eight in the morning there were a large number of early risers and their dogs making their way along the beach.

 totaranui 1

An unusual sight on the beach were these tree root systems.  The tide had, over an extended period, washed all of the sand from around the roots of these substantial pine trees.

root 1 roots 2 

The trees themselves had been felled before the final washing out of the sand around them.  There were several other trees in the process of ending up in the same state.  They would make good models for alien life forms!!