Friends and family

You know how sometimes life just seems to race on regardless of plans? well the past few weeks have been just like that. A whir of people have come and gone and although we have been busy with people, it is all done at our usual pace, by that, I mean the slow, casual, carefree way that has become our lifestyle.

Helen & Don returned to join us a for a week of relaxing, reading, swimming, enjoying good food and even playing the odd game of cards. The weather has been utterly brilliant so there is no excuse but to spend all day every day outside. We were very fortunate as one day the head Ranger Bruce informed us that he was having to go to Mahurangi to skipper the boat that delivers cleaning staff to outlying islands where there are baches/cribs/rustic holiday homes to rent and if we got to the beach at a certain time, we would be able to enjoy some time out on the water with him.

IMG_0286 Bruce bringing in the boat whilst lowering the front drive on ramp.

We visited a number of bays and islands, all stunning locations with their own unique attributes. It was a great way to spend a morning.

IMG_0284 Don & Helen

IMG_0285 Bruce & Roy

That same day we did a bit of a tiki tour and visited some of the other northern Regional Parks visiting Tawharanui, Mahurangi East & West and Wenderholm on our return journey. We introduced ourselves to our counterparts at the other Parks as well as Rangers and got a good feel of the other Parks, coming away convinced that we are at the nicest Park – of course!!!

The following day Roy, Helen & Don took the ferry from Gulf Harbour for a day trip to Tiritiri Matangi, an island Sanctuary just a few kms off the Whangaparaoa Peninsular. As I had visited the Island previously I decided to remain at the camp and get a few chores completed. Roy will put up a post about their visit shortly……..really, truly, he WILL get round to it!!!!

Roy and I left Helen & Don for a day whilst we headed down to Ararimu (south of Auckland in the Hunua’s) as long time friend Janet was having her 70th birthday, as well, we were celebrating Ron & Janet’s 50th wedding anniversary. Roy and Janet started school together as 5 year olds all those years ago at Cockle Bay Primary, and then just 15 years later Roy was Best Man at Ron & Janet’s wedding. They, along with a few others have all kept in touch over the years and have remained friends all these years. Again, Roy will be writing about this …..soon!

IMG_0292 ‘ear all, see all, and say nowt!! Malcolm, Roy and Bill V.

Back at Shakespear we bade farewell to Helen & Don after spending a lovely week together and we look forward to meeting up with them again soon. A few days later Jim & Judy called In to see us and spend the day with us. They had no sooner left when Brian & Marj arrived to stay for a few days. It turned out to be a busy few days whilst Brian & Marj were with us as one day we had appointments to keep, another day they had things to attend to and in between Malcolm & Pat came out for a day visit. Of course, one neglected to have a camera around to take pictures!

Oh and then there was the day last week when Roy & I headed down to Torbay to my brother Steve and sister in law Leslie’s place for dinner. Leslie’s sister Gill and her daughters Emma & Jamie were over from Perth. It seems to have been a week of reuniting old long-lasting friendships as Gill & I started school together and went through primary and secondary school as best friends. Let us just say that the evening turned into one of those magic nights that you cannot plan, I don’t think I have laughed and sung so much in many years, nor drunk so much – the following day was a bit of a right off!!! I blame the young ones for leading us astray or for at least for bringing out the Cointreau bottle at the end of the night. Video recording of our awesome singing is not available for general viewing, but let me assure you it was very very good loud memorable!

IMG_0290 sitting around the table L-R Gill, Roy, Leslie, Emma & Jamie.

IMG_0293 and this is how we looked at the end of the night – happy but blurred!

Last weekend was Auckland Anniversary weekend with Monday being a public holiday. The weather again was forecast to be brilliant and with that in mind, Steve & Leslie came out to camp with us for the weekend. Let’s just say that the company was great, the food was outstanding, the fishing so-so with only two snapper big enough to bring home, the sea warm for many swims each day and that’s all we shall report! Steve & Les’ daughter Fran along with her husband Clive and daughter Bea came to stay on the Saturday night and it was lovely to spend a day or two with them.

IMG_0283Vannini/Coatham/Bulpin campsite.

And to finish off here is a pic of the local herd of sheep looking very bewildered at the recent crop circle activity in the paddock behind them. Although we are pretty sure that Bruce had a little something to do with this!
