
Monday morning and the weather had finally turned up, clear blue skies, very little wind and very warm with temperatures in the late 20’s early 30’sC. Whilst pottering around, we saw that our favourite parking spot was available so we decided to move.

Tucked up in the corner, there used to be a massive macrocarpa tree on the left which took up a lot of room as well as providing a lot of shade until the afternoon. Now it’s a glorious spot that we can tuck ourselves into and we are hidden from view from the road through the campground.

We settled ourselves in, making ourselves comfortable before Garry arrived that afternoon. John had given us some fresh fish which I cooked for dinner that evening.

Snapper with tomato, avocado, orange & olives.

The following day we were at the beach ready to fish.

Line out.
Garry just along from us….not too many others on the beach!
Roy and Garry picking up the fish off the line
A couple of nice fish to start off with
And a nice trevally to turn into sashimi
Sashimi trevally, delicious!

Whilst we were on the beach I got a phone call from Jacky….”I’m at your van”, she says, “where are you?” She came down to the beach as we were just packing up for the day. 7 snapper and a trevally for the afternoons effort, enough for us to share.

We returned to the van for a welcome cuppa and a good long chat before Jacky had to return home. But not before we made plans for a catch up at Whakapirau shortly.


The next few days were spent on the beach enjoying good company, fishing and telling of tall tales.

The sun is up, line in the water, cuppa in hand, and a laugh or two. What more could we ask for?
Garry and Roy in deep contemplative conversation
Men at work
Snapper with red onion & caper dressing

The freezer is filling nicely, although we don’t need or want too much as soon we shall have to empty out the fridge and freezer whilst we are away for a while. More on those plans at a later date!

We’ve managed to capture some stunning sunrises and sunsets too.

Sunrise over the Hen & Chicken Islands
Sunset over the hills.

We are here for a wee while so we shall have a good opportunity to meet up with lots of friends, share some fish and generally enjoy the north.

2 thoughts on “Uretiti”

  1. When’s the Cookbook coming out. ?Could include stuff like how you manage in your home etc. the Basic ins and outs!

  2. The beach looks delightful, and I always love a sunset photo. Thanks for sharing photos of your fishy dinners, can l have the fish with red onions and caper sauce, please?

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