In and around Auckland

It’s that time of the year, yes it’s COF time so we duly rolled around to the Takanini VTNZ to wait our turn in the queue.

Waiting in the queue, which didn’t take too long.

A couple of minor things need to be attended to before we get the big tick so from there it was just around to corner to book the van in to get everything sorted.

On our return to Ardmore we decided to move positions so we wouldn’t attract so many neighbours,

Parked along the back fence this time.

Another day and it’s time to meet up with Glennis & Robin, we arrange to meet at the Botanical gardens which was roughly a halfway meeting point for us all. It’s great to catch up with these two as it’s always entertaining and a bit of a laugh.

Entrance to the gardens
Glennis, Rob and Roy with their new friend!!

Whilst parked at Ardmore this interesting form of mobile accommodation came in, a caravan/houseboat. How cool is that?


Anzac weekend rolled around, unfortunately there were no public dawn parades or services in Auckland this year so we remembered the fallen in our own quiet way.

An early morning start to take the van in Truck & Trailers in Takanini, just a short 5 min drive from Ardmore to get a couple of things attended to. Dave the owner is a very affable chap, and just a short hour or two later we got the call from him to say the van was ready. We’ve used his business before so we were confident that he would do a great job at a very reasonable price, and true to his word, it was very very reasonable for a great job. We have one more thing to get done which will be done at AD Motors just around the corner next week. These two businesses work well together and we are confident of the work that they do.

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