Birthday party

Our main focus for getting to London was to be in time for Callum’s birthday. Callum is three therefore it’s birthday party time.

Grandma is tasked with making the birthday cake for the digger mad little man and this is what we came up with.

A construction site.

The night before his birthday and after Callum was in bed, we spent the evening putting together his trampoline. Just as well no one was watching as it was a bit of a laugh at times but we got there and it was all ready for him in the morning.

Off to play on the tramp in his pj’s

Later in the day people started arriving with lots of adults and children joining in the afternoons fun and games. By the end of the day on little boy was very tired and overwhelmed by people and presents but it was a fabulous day and one in which we loved seeing their family & friends whom we’ve met on previous occasions.

A sample of the days fun.