A week at Uretiti

I don’t know where the time goes, it disappears somewhere into the ether without me noticing it. We spent a week at Uretiti DOC (Department of Conservation) camp utilising our annual pass before we would be moving on. The first three days were spent catching up with friends but not before giving the van a wash down using a couple of buckets of water (and yes, I did ask if it was ok to wash the van). The drive up to Uretiti covered the van from top to toe with road grit, mud, dust, dirt and other debris, it really was a mess and I knew if we left it too long then it would set like concrete. We worked in tandem with one of us washing, the other rinsing and we soon had it all as clean as we possibly could get it without utilising a hose.

Gary & Marg called in on their way past with a couple of their grandkids, we always enjoy catching up with these two and hearing all their news. The following day we headed down to Marsden Cove to see Mark & Glynis on their boat, it was very good timing as they were about to head away the following day to Australia for a holiday. The next day Jacky & Chris came for lunch, it was a lovely afternoon spent chatting and sorting out our housesitting times starting next month.

However, you will have noticed that there is nary a photo in sight, I completely forgot to take any photos.

Garry came and joined us for a couple of days, we were all hoping to catch some fish. But when Garry arrived he realised he’d left an important piece of equipment at home, ie. the drone, so we all piled into his car for an afternoons outing to Mangawhai to pick it up and have a late lunch. That was a nice way to spend an afternoon having a look around Mangawhai and a very late lunch on the beach at Langs Beach.

Back at Uretiti, it wasn’t for the lack of trying over the next couple of days, but no fish were harmed with hardly a bite it was very disappointing. The only things that were biting were the sandflies with my ankles becoming the sacrificial target for the little blighters.

Joe & Glynnis came into camp, they were long time managers at Uretiti in the first few years we started coming here and have since retired. It was lovely to see them again as we had met up with them randomly around the South Island in 2021 so it was good to catch up. Again, no photos were taken, we were just too busy talking.

Our week came to an end, we were moving on but not too far away this time where I shall endeavour to take the odd photo or two!

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