
Just a quick note to say we are in Copenhagen and have Internet access….yay for McDonalds!!!

We have escaped the ship, we really do not enjoy the time on the ship, there is only so much walking around the decks, reading and napping you can do. We did do an onboard treasure hunt to pass the time and we went to a show last night, but this morning could not come quick enough so we could get off and look around.

Catching up with emails etc and off sightseeing on the hop on hop off (hoho) bus. Next post will be from either Germany or Tallinn.

Here are some updated comments on Copenhagen, created thanks to the exceptional wifi facilities here in Tallin in Estonia.

First impressions of Copenhagen is that it is a very clean, dynamic city.  Everybody, well nearly, rides a bike.  They are ctaered for in the fact that there are separate lanes for cars, bikes and pedestrians on all the main thoroughfares.

We went to the city centre by hoho bus and then made our way to the station where we were expecting to find wifi.  However we ended up finding it in McDonalds at the station and managed to get a little done.  It was not quick enough for uploading so that has had to wait until now.

We had a very good time riding around seeing a deal of Copenhagen, but feeel as though in fact we saw little.  Would really like to return and have a good look at the city and the country as a whole.

Here are some pictures and comment.

Immediately on entering the harbour at Copenhagen one could see evidence of the nations strong commitment to windpower.  These turbines are part of a long string which reaches for some kilometres into the sea.

Bycycles everywhere
Double decker bike parking

The above shows bikes which are parked in all of the streets.  More often than not they are not chained up but are merely leaned against each other.  The double decker parking is at a rail link station where the bikes are parked!! for the day and the city has provided additional space by creating a double layer of parking.

Because the food on board has been nothing to write home about have decided to postpone the foodie comments until we actually taste some food.

In the mean time here is a selection of interesting signs, mostly because of language that we don’t understand.

Does it really mean a place to have one or buy one?
This is just interesting for the fact that he is very well represented in the city.
Oh dear how appropriate
Does not leave much to the imagination!!!

The above photo was taken in the Tycho Braho Planetarium so I doubt that it really had anything at all to do with rum!!!.  However it was a very good planetarium with great exhibits and very informative.

Tycho Brahe planetarium in background

And finally a photo of the cats that stop the rats from entering the ship while we are in harbour.

Cats gurding the ship against shore rats

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