Fishing and swimming

After many tales and enticing photos sent to us extolling the prowess of the fisher persons in Whakatane, we had high hopes of lots of fish being caught. Roy, John and Julie headed out early Monday morning and were back by midday with some Terakihi. Delicious it was too.

20130124-100715.jpg heading out through the bar

20130124-100827.jpgRoy fishing

Tuesday and another day spent around Whakatane, we did head off for a drive up the coast a little as far as Matata and checked out the DOC campsite there. We were reliably informed that they would be full this weekend as it is Auckland anniversary weekend, which means a day off work for most on Monday. This combined with the end of the school holidays, plus a fishing competition this weekend, it will be fairly busy all along the coast with most parking sites full. We are staying put at the “Kotanga Camp”, where we will be joined this weekend by Steve. Hilary is also joining us for a few days of R&R and Sue will be visiting for a day. Lets hope we have continued fine weather.

Wednesday and another day out fishing, this time Roy and John went out, after some time of no luck they headed back into the wharf to enable Roy to get his ‘land legs’. After dropping off Roy, Bernice and Julie headed back out with John for a very pleasant afternoon out by Whale Island. Bernice did catch a reasonable sized Kahawai, but it was not landed on the boat…apparently they are good bait! It was some time before Julie managed to land a small snapper however he was sent back to sea to grow a little. It was such a lovely day, some went swimming…..

20130124-101406.jpg only a little ‘encouragement’ required, a gentle push from Dad was all that was required.

20130124-101512.jpg Julie swimming in the deep blue sea

I must say I was sorely tempted to leap in with her, however, goodness knows why, but some form of sense prevailed. Next time I will throw all caution to the wind and leap in with her.

Once returned to the wharf, we noticed that they launch boats a little differently here in Whakatane.


These boats had obviously been in dry dock for some repairs before being craned back into the water. It was all done very quickly and efficiently, the whole process taking around 5 minutes per boat.

I have been playing with my new/old phone (thanx Antony) and have taken a few pics with it, this one I thought was rather good.


On the 20th January, we welcomed Beatrix to the ever expanding family clan, a beautiful daughter to Frances and Clive, and granddaughter for Steve & Leslie. All well and now at home. Congratulations.

One thought on “Fishing and swimming”

  1. Take a trip out to White Island while in Whakatane, it’s a fantastic place. Yeah, I know it’s suppose to be blowing it’s top but feel the fear and do it anyway. It was a highlight for us.

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