
As I mentioned in the last blog posting, I returned from the netball in Wellington on Tuesday via the train at 10am and by 11 we were all packed up and on our way to Woodville to meet up with Brian & Marj.  We arrived in Woodville an hour later to find them already comfortably parked up and waiting for us.  We had not long settled ourselves in when we got a phone call which meant a return to Masterton.  But first, the back story.

 The other day Roy opened up his laptop computer  to discover he had a cracked and broken screen rendering the computer useless.  This was not good.  You see Roy requires his computer for work (we run a small internet based business) which required some urgent work to be done therefore he needed a quick repair done.  He managed for a day or so by using the TV screen from the bedroom as a computer screen.  To do this, we took the TV off the wall in the bedroom and propped up on his desk, then ran the computer using the TV as the screen – this was a reasonable temporary fix and manageable for a day or so.   Monday morning he took it to a store in Masterton to see if they could replace the screen for him. Yes they could but the parts had to be ordered and sent by courier, all of which would take a few days.  We dropped the computer in to the store before we left Masterton on Tuesday morning hoping for the best as they estimated we could pick it up on Thursday. We figured that we could drive back from wherever we were to pick it up when it was ready.  But as it turned out, this was not to be……they had replace the screen and it was ready for pickup Tuesday afternoon! 

So no sooner had we arrived in Woodville when we got the phone call, just as we had settled ourselves in.  We unhitched the car and returned to Matserton to pick up the computer, arriving back in Woodville for the second time that day by early evening.  

All in all,  I had travelled a few miles that day,  first by train form Wellington to Masterton, then in the van from Masterton to Woodville, then Woodville to Masterton and return to Woodville by car.  

We spent a couple of nights in Woodville whilst we organised ourselves and had a good look around the town.  There seems to be a very good collection of second hand/antique stores to fossick through and a large number of cafes and bakeries. There is a replica of Gottfried Lindauer’s artist studio as he lived in the town and was buried here.  Lindauer is a famous New Zealand portrait painter who worked in the late 1800’s through to his death in 1920. He is particularly known for his paintings of Maori.  You can read more about him here

Outside the library was this interesting sculpture   

Next we start exploring the southern Hawkes Bay coast. 

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