Sedate Sedan

17th September 2010

We have been in Sedan for three days now, the first two days were the end of the annual fete so we seemed to spend a bit of time wandering around the myriad of streets and stalls. 

An early morning walk around after buying baguettes revealed the river further down from where we are moored and the existence of a very large fort.

river River through the town

Fort Sedan Fort Sedan

Wednesday was spent in and around Sedan at the fair and then at various supermarkets stocking up on food.  Following Mike’s comment re Leclerc Roy found one in his travels.  It is a superstore cross between a very large Foodtown and a very large Warehouse in addition they have petrol and gas stations in the same crapark area.  It was all a little overwhelming and quite confusing to get around to start with.

Leclerc 1 Inside Lerclerc, very hard to depict in a photo.

Yesterday (Thursday), it was decided that we should have a go at riding the spare bikes that Roger & Ruth have on the boat, and with a  hiss and a roar we were off, sedately at first, but with no hiccups we were soon at Fort Sedan.  This is an amazing structure, it is the largest fort in Europe covering 35,000sq m. 

DSCF1977 In the lowest parts of the fort

Snowy 2 detail of Snow

Throughout the fort there were a number of tableau illustrating various activities

tableau 1 Guards on duty and preparing their meal

tableau 2  A wedding between two royal families


Then after a good wander around the fort we were back onto our bikes to head off to Le Clerc, a huge supermarket store to stock up on provisions.  Duly loaded up with goodies, Ruth & Bernice headed back to the boat whilst Roy and Roger looked at another store before mounting their bikes to return to the boat, this was where Roy was seen doing his papal imitations of kissing the tarmac!!  Suitably recovered it was not too long before they returned to the boat.

That night was the last of the fair and there was a fireworks display

Fireworks 1

Fireworks 2

We have been eating well and enjoying the cheap wines, we seem to have drunk some very very good wines that were retailing at only a couple of euro a bottle!  We really love the Boulangeries and in particular the baguettes that we buy each day early in the morning for lunch… c’est magnifique!

Yesterday (Friday) was one of the wettest we have had and Bernice and Ruth decided to bike into town when it was fine.

the intrepid cyclists in the rain The intrepid cyclists return in the rain.


Today (Friday) Bernice & Ruth headed off on their bikes to visit the supermarket (Leader Price this time) to stock up on the few essential items (tea bags!)we forgot the day before.  Today we are being joined by a friend of the deBrays for a few days so there will be 5 of us on the boat.  We are leaving here in the morning for Stenay and then we will be heading towards Verdun and eventually Toul.

Foodies note of the day

bernice Bernice supervising in the old days

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